so early in the year? I would have to check my date book of past decorating projects and then pull the pictures of bedrooms decorated in brown that I have organized according to date in my portfolio to be certain. But, right off the bat I can’t recall a year when hibiscus flowers and tropical prints were replaced with warm colors before the leaves started to turn from bright green to shades of red, gold and brown.
Maybe the desire to rest in a nest of chocolate brown bedding has to do with the cold (can 80 degrees in July be considered cold?) front that brought unseasonably low temperatures and a seemingly unending supply of dreary, rain soaked days. Girls, more than boys, are fickle creatures (and I include myself in this group) that are affected by the weather which makes the Hawaiian comforter that they adored when the surf was up and the sun was shining lose its luster. Perhaps my clients are reaching for chocolate brown bedding that represents warmth, comfort and a secure feeling prematurely. But who knows which way the wind will blow between now and when the true first day of fall actually arrives. There may be a temporary moment of regret, should perfect beach weather return for an extended period of time, that the bright s
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